Application form for academic licence for WAMMI

Please ensure you also (1) send me an email and (2) send me a letter from your tutor or supervisor as per the instructions on the previous page.
Please fill out and SEND one copy of this form for every password you require.
Please try to answer all the questions: write more in the bigger boxes. There is no completion check.
I'll get back to you as quickly as I can.

If you have not heard from me within a few days please check your SPAM bin
because some mail systems are over-sensitive to emails not from their servers.

Details about you

Your personal name:

Your e-mail address:

Name of your institution:

URL of your department web site:

Name of supervisor/ tutor:

email of supervisor/ tutor:

Leave this blank if you are human!
Are you a bot?

Details about the site for evaluation

Name of site to be evaluated:

Briefly describe what functions or information this site offers.

What language is the site written in?

If public, give the URL of the site:

Details about your evaluation
When giving dates, if you're not yet sure, just put 'XX'

language required for WAMMI:

When will the evaluation start? (yyyy-mm-dd)

When will the evaluation finish? (yyyy-mm-dd)

Approx how many participants will you recruit?

How long will they spend interacting with the site before evaluating it (in minutes):

In brief, what kinds of tasks or actions will they carry out before evaluating the site?

How will you gather the data? Through the web (usual)
I'll download and use a paper version
I'll write a web version myself

Details about your participants

How much experience of this or similar sites do you expect they will have?

Will this be their first experience of the site they're evaluating?

Leave this question:

Please give as complete answers as you can.
Then click the SEND button